Engraved metal labels are the perfect solution for tagging everything you have that needs or requires identification. Both stock and custom metal tags and nameplates can be engraved with a wide variety of type styles, simple logos and graphics. Metal engraving depth and text size requirements (typically for ASTM specification) can be met. We can engrave tags in many materials including all metals and plastics:
At Big City, our custom metal engraving services will accurately engrave each metal tag with the important information your application requires. The information on our metal engraved tags can be color inlaid for additional contrast, providing a bold look that is easy to read and lasts decades. With our engraved metal tags, the end result is always a perfect balance of function, aesthetics and long-lasting durability.
Need assistance with determining the next step for your immediate needs? Contact us today, toll free at 800-373-7769.